Мы дружны
с печатным словом,
Если б не было его,
Ни о старом, ни о новом
Мы не знали 6 ничего!







The Contest is conducted within the framework of the program of jubilee undertakings, devoted to the celebration of the 100-th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding children`s writer Sergey Mikhalkov.

The organizers of the Contest are:

· The Russian Cultural Foundation (RCF)

The literary project Children - today, the people - tomorrow

The Russian national section of IBBY

The aims and the tasks of the Contest:

Exposure of children to the process of reading;

Revelation and supporting of the talented children, capable in the field of the fine arts;

Development of the creative abilities of children and teenagers;

Popularization in Russia and abroad of the creative work of Sergey Mikhalkov.

1. Conditions of carrying out the Contest

1.1. Drawings (drawing), forwarded to the contest, should be created to the fiction works of Sergey Mikhalkov;

1.2. To the participation in the Contest there are invited children and teenagers at the age from 5 up to 15 years old, residing in Russia and abroad. The Contest is conducted in 3 age-related groups:

1-st group: from 5 up to 8 years old

2-nd group: from 9 up to 12 years old

3-rd group: from 13 up to 15 years old;

1.3. From one author there are accepted from 1 to 3 drawings to the Contest;

1.4. Drawings (drawing), forwarded to the Contest, shall be created in any technique on the sheets A3 and A4;

1.5. Children with disabilities participate in the Contest on special terms and conditions. Their drawings shall be estimated in a special nomination;

1.6. To the competitive works there should be enclosed a photo of the author on any electronic media (as far as possible) and the following information (presented on a separate sheet, in a free form):

denomination of the Contest

indication of the work by Sergey Mikhalkov, to which the drawing (drawings) has been created;

surname, given name of the author

date of birth and the age of the participant (full years) at the moment of sending the works to the Contest

address of the electronic mail (if available)

home address (with index), telephone

brief information about the author of the drawing (hobbies, favorite books etc.)

for children with disabilities we should ask you to make respective specification;

1.7. Overleaf of each drawing there should be indicated the name of the author, age, denomination of the work, to which the drawing has been made;

1.8. Unassignable drawings to the Contest are not allowed;

1.9. The drawings, forwarded to the contest, shall be not returned to the authors;

1.10. Nonexclusive author`s rights to the usage of the best drawings, selected by the judges at the ontest, without reservation and any limits shall be transferred to the organizing committee of the Contest. Remuneration to the authors of drawings shall not be paid;

1.11. Participation in the Contest of the minors shall be executed through their lawful representatives in the procedure, established by the acting legislation;

1.12. Presentation of the drawings to the Contest means automatic consent of the author of the drawing (drawings) and his official representative under the terms and conditions of the Contest;

1.13. Drawings to the Contest shall be sent to the address: Russia, 121069, Moscow, Trubnikovskiy lane, 28, The Russian Cultural Foundation,

I took a pencil and a sheet of paper;

1.14. Drawing to the Contest shall be accepted from September 1, 2011 up to June 1, 2012 (as per postal stamp).

2. Summarizing of the results of the contest, awarding of the winners

2.1. Short-list of the contest shall be resounded in September 2012 at the webpages of RCF, the International Sergei Mikhalkov best literary work for adolescents competition, the partners of the Contest, in the press;

2.2. The judges at the Contest shall define three winners in each age-related category;

2.3. The judges at the Contest shall define three winners in nomination Children with disabilities are drawing;

2.4. Regarding the results of the Contest there shall be published an album with the works of the winners and awardees;

2.5. The partners of the Contest are presenting the additional rewarding prizes;

2.6. The solemn ceremony of rewarding and public announcement of the names of the winners of the Contest shall be held simultaneously with the opening of the international exhibition, arranged by the organizers of the Contest as per its results in October 2012 in the city of Moscow;

2.7. Foreign and nonresident winners of the Contest shall be invited to Moscow for the ceremony of rewarding. Transport and hotel expenses shall be absorbed by the organizers of the Contest;

2.8. The results of the Contest shall be announced at the webpages of RCF, the International Sergei Mikhalkov best literary work for adolescents competition, the partners of the Contest, in the press.

3. The work of the organizing committee and jury

3.1. The organizing committee is conducting all the operations within the framework of the project I took a pencil and a sheet of paper and is ensuring its information support;

3.2. The judges are formed by the organizing committee out of the notable figures of the Russian and foreign children`s book culture and are working in accordance with the present Provision about the Contest;

3.3. The judges reserve the right to remove from the Contest any work without explaining the reasons;

3.4. The judges shall define the winners and awardees.