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Chair of the jury Victor Chizhikov (Russia) Honored Artist of RF, President of the Russian national section of IBBY, author of Teddy-bear – the national symbol of Olympiс Games -80, famous for his illustrations for children's books by Agnes Barto, Boris Zahoder, Sergey Mihalkov, Alexander Milne. |
Сo-chair of the jury Anastasia Arkhipova (Russia) Children's books illustrator, Сhair of the Board of the Association of Moscow Book Illustrators and Designers. In 2003 got the prize as the best illustrator in the All-Russian contest "Book of the Year". Member of the Jury for Hans Christian Andersen Award in 2012 – the highest international distinction given to authors and illustrators of children's books. |
Co-chair of the jury Viive Noor (Estonia) Head of the book section of the Estonian Association of the graphical design, in 2006 included into the Honor list of IBBY, laureate of awards in Estonia, Lithuania, Belorussia. |
Alexander Adabashyan (Russia) Honored Artist of RF, scriptwriter, stage director. Considers himself to be first a painter and then a cinema person. He was an artist-producer of operas in Mariinsky theatre and La Scala. |
Ivan Alexandrov (Russia) Illustrator and book designer. Got the Golden Apple in Bratislava at the Biennial of illustrations in 2007. Laureate of the All-Russian contest for book illustration "Obraz Knigi". |
Sergey Alimov (Russia) People`s Artist of RF, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, professor of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK). Author of the well-known cartoons: "Kanikuly Bonifaciya" ("Holidays of Bonifaciy"), "A story of one crime", "Premudryj peskar" ("Overwise minnow"). |
Iku Dekune (Japan) Illustrator, laureate of numerous awards in Japan, Grand Prix winner at the Bratislava Biennial of illustrations in 2003. |
Maria Dreznina (Russia) Painter, senior research scientist of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, specialist in the field of the correctional pedagogy, teacher of the Educational Centre of the aesthetic education "Museion". |
Tonya Goranova (Bulgaria) Illustrator, included into the Honor list of IBBY, laureate of many national awards, member of the jury at the Bratislava Biennial of illustrations in 2007. |
Alexander Koshkin (Russia) Honored Artist of RF, Professor at the cathedra of graphic arts of the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry, member of the jury of the All-Russian contest for book illustration "Obraz Knigi". In 2004 included into the Honor list of IBBY and nominated for the Hans Christian Andersen Award. |
Natalia Lopukhova (Ukraine) Honored Artist of Ukraine, winner of the Silver medal of the USSR Academy of Arts, Grand Prix winner at the International book exhibition in Moscow in 1991, member of the commission for the State awards of the Administration of the President of Ukraine. |
Nikolay Popov (Russia) Honored Artist of RF. Got Golden medals in Leipzig at the International exhibition "Art of Book" in 1971 and 1977. Twice got prizes at the Bratislava Biennial of illustrations. Grand Prix in 1975 and Plaque in 1981. Member of the Russian Academy of Design. |
Alenka Sottler (Slovenia) Illustrator and book designer. Got awards in Slovenia, USA, Italy and the Golden Apple at the Bratislava Biennial of books illustrations in 2007. |
Josep Antoni Tassies Penella (Spain) Illustrator and author, Grand Prix winner at the Bratislava Biennial of illustrations in 2009. |
Pavel Tatarnikov (Belorussia) |
Valeriy Vasiliev (Russia) Honored Artist of RF, member of the jury of the All-Russian contest for book illustration "Obraz Knigi", Grand Prix winner at the XI Biennial in Brno and the IV Biennial in Teheran. Member of the Russian Academy of Design. |
Miao Wei (China) Painter and illustrator, laureate of numerous awards in China and the Prize NOMA in Japan. |
Georgiy Yudin (Russia) Honored Artist of RF, Vice-president of the Russian national section of IBBY, member of the Writer's association of Russia. Got the Plaque in Bratislava at the Biennial of illustrations in 1983, the Silver medal in Leipzig at the International exhibition "Art of Book" in 1989 and the International Award of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Moscow in 1995. |